Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Seaside Training Center requires a “30-Day Written Canellation Notice” which is strictly enforced. You are responsible for the tuition due for the 30 days after your signed letter is submitted to the front desk. Failure to give notice will result in full payment for one month of tuition. This information is on the policies you approve and sign when enrolling in classes with our facility. You may email your cancellation notice or drop it off at the Hospitality desk. NOT ATTENDING classes will not suffice as an acceptable form of communication that you wish to DROP from your class.
We offer an After-School pick-up service for Cypress Creek, Horizon, Spruce Creek and Sweetwater Elementary Schools. Students must be picked up by 6p every evening. Enrollment for the school year begins each June. We only allow 30 students at one time. Please call or stop by the Hospitality desk for availability.
Our recreational classes start at walking age (Parent-Tot) and go to 16. We do offer tumbling classes for up to 17 yrs old as well as a Tiger 10+ class up to 16.
Our competitive team starts at 6 years, while Pre-Team is 5-7yrs old.
Seahorses are walkers - 3.5 yrs, Guppies are 3.5-4.5 yrs, Goldfish are 4.5-6 yrs, Lion-Fish are 4.5-6 years (Invite Only), Our Sharks classes start at age 6 yrs and go up to 16 yrs (Beg/Int/Adv), Tiger 10+ is 10-16 yrs, and Dolphins (Tumbling) is 6 yrs-17 yrs.
For liability and insurance purposes, we stick to our age limits for each class.
Registration must be completed prior to the start of your child's first class. We require email addresses and phone numbers to stay in communication with our families, as this is how important information is relayed.
This NON-REFUNDABLE fee is due upon initial registration, and it is renewed each year thereafter on the 1st of August. Registration fees cover costs associated with matriculation and liability insurance.
This fee is pro-rated quarterly and subject to change. This fee is required to participate in any activities at the gym besides camps and open gyms. Registration renewal is due by August 15th. An additional $25 will be added if not paid by the cut off date and your child will not be able to attend classes until the registration is completed.
We use Auto-Pay for all of our monthly tuitions for After-School, Recreational and Team Gymnastics. Team gymnastics will have Auto-Draft on the 12th of each month and Recreational gymnastics will have auto-draft on the 26th of the month. After-School will remain weekly on Fridays. This information is on the payment policy waiver that you accept at the time of registration. Please see the Hospitality desk for more information.
*Cash Payments are accepted 2 days prior to the due date or the card on file (REQUIRED) will be debited. We require a security deposit of one month's tuition, to remain on the account in the event of non-payment, in order to make monthly cash payments instead of the auto-debit option*
If your credit card company requests a chargeback for any reason, then your athlete will be dropped from class immediately, your account will be charged a $50 processing/hassle fee, and your athlete will not be allowed to participate until the account balance is paid in full and the issuing bank resolves the chargeback.
Our billing schedule for the year is available on the Calendar tab on the website. We use a 4 week system that does not coincide with a regular monthly calendar. Tuition is ran automatically on the 12th and 26th of the month (depending on if your student is part of team or recreational gymnastics). You are always attending 4 weeks of classes each month, even if we are closed for a bye-week.
For more information, please refer to the Calendar tab or see the Hospitality desk.
Gym closures due to inclement weather will be notified via email and posted online via the gym website and social media. Makeup tokens will be automatically issued.
Seaside will use the Volusia County School District weather closures and delays as a guideline only. We DO NOT always follow school closings due to weather. There may be days when school is closed due to weather, but the gym is not. Please refer to the website and social media for any class closure or cancellation updates.
Lesson plans for your child’s gymnastics classes are specifically designated for individual progress and development. We strongly urge you to attend your regularly scheduled class. However, we understand that there are times where absence is unavoidable. For those times, your child will receive a make-up token.
All Make-Up Classes must be scheduled within 30 days of the missed class, or it expires and another one will not be given in its place. Make-ups can be scheduled for as far out as 6 months.
If you do not schedule or attend a make-up, it will expire, and refunds will not be given.
Our JackRabbit Parent Portal is available to all of our active families. You are able to approve policies, see class attendance, sign-up for additional classes and events, review skill charts and evaluation notes, and make payments. We ask that you please not make payments of less than $10 on the parent portal as this is creating substantial fees for us. If you need help signing in, please call the Hospitality desk and we will send a reset link via email or text. We also now have an app with lots of awesome features. You can download it in the Apple and Google Play stores by searching for Seaside Training Center!
As with any business, we must compete with the market. Prices in our ecomony are continuing an upward trend and we must follow suit in order to keep our business up and running. Our owner reserves the right to change our prices as she sees fit, while still trying to remain accommodating to our families. As such, prices are always subject to change. Typically, these changes will take place during August and January of each year. Notices will be sent out via email and posted on our website when a change is due to take place.
We offer a $10 Sibling discount for all of our programs for each additional child enrolled in classes. Each month it is taken off of tuition for Recreational and Team Gymnastics and every week it is taken off of After-School or Summer Camp.
Our facility offers a discount for those families that choose to pay 3 months of tuition at one time. You will receive 5% off of each month's tuition when you pay quarterly. We offer Jan-March, April-June, July-Sept and Oct-Dec.
We appreciate our Military and First Responders so if you bring in valid identification for an Immediate Family Member that is active military or a veteran, or any type of first responder, we will apply a 10% off discount to your monthly class/team tuition, weekly After-School tuition, as well as weekly Summer Camp tuition! (Discount not valid on food/beverage, merchandise purchases and does not apply to day clinics/camps).
We do offer skill level evaluations typically 4 times per year to advance students up to the next level when they acquire the skills required. Testing takes two weeks during class time. The week following, the coaches will input the results in to our parent portal and then students and families will be notified in order of classes, (i.e. Advanced 1 & 2, Beginner and Intermediate, Preschool Advanced and Preschool 1-2) if they are being moved up. Your child will only be moved up to the next level if they show all the skills needed to progress and they must also be of the right age to join the class. You will not be notified if your child is not advancing, but the skills chart on the parent portal will show what your child needs to improve on going forward so that by the next evaluation, they have the chance to move up. We apologize if this is not what you are expecting, however we have too many students to call each individual family if the student is not advancing. You are welcome to set up a time with your student's coach to have a conversation regarding your child's skills.
We offer Open Training Time on Friday nights for students 5yrs- 14yrs only. The cost is $15 for members and $25 for non-members. It is limited to 30 students.
Class starts at 6p and ends at 7:30p on Fridays. Each week there will be a different activity based on the theme so keep an eye out for Training Time emails and look at the flyer listed on the schedule!
The third Friday of each month we open our Friday Night Fun for 3 hours (6p-9p) at $25 for members and $35 for non-members. The FNF's will have fun activities to go along with the monthly theme as well as prizes or goodie bags.
Registration must be completed online through the Jackrabbit parent portal.
Please see the Hospitality Department for more information.
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